Link Quranic-Verses With Researches

Centralization of worldy knowledge of different people which is supported by research and can be linked with Quran.

Two benefits:

1 - Increase Your Knowledge:
Below you will find few verses linked with Researches or articles that explains a research. These researches are conducted by scientists, professionals or experts of various fields. It is done so that a person can get the chance of understanding the Holy Quran in light of the researches available on internet on the topic. This allows readers of Quran to see worldly reference of related verses. Basically, it is a Knowledge-base website.

2 - Share Your Knowledge:
As no one person can possess all the knowledge, as such, this website also allows its registered users to link Quranic-verse with its specific "worldly evidence" that they have knowledge of. Basically, it�s a collective effort of Muslims on same concept as that of Wikipedia. No financial assistance of any type is required. Purely a genuine knowledge-based effort is desired collectively by professionals of varying fields. If you want to share some of your knowledge, then please click here to register yourself. This website, Allah willing, will increase Knowledge of Muslims.

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