1) Namaz Reference: Lord, grant that I may keep up the prayer… accept my prayer...(14:40) (Read Full Ayahs)

2) Namaz Reference: Attend to your prayers... (2:43) (Read Full Ayahs)

3) Namaz Reference: ...disobedient people... (9:53) ...they come to the prayer half-heartedly... (Read Full Ayahs)


4) Namaz Reference: ...when you rise to pray, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows and wipe your heads and [wash] your feet up to the ankles... (5:6) (Read Full Ayahs)

5) Namaz Reference: ...do not approach your prayers… when you are in a state of impurity till you have bathed... (4:43) (Read Full Ayahs)

6) Namaz Reference: ...cannot find any water, then find some clean sand and wipe your face and your hands with it... (4:43) (Read Full Ayahs)

7) Namaz Reference: (Allah’s Respect) I am your Lord! Take off your sandals... (20:12) (Read Full Ayahs)


8) Namaz Reference: Turn your face now towards the Sacred Mosque while praying... (2:144) (Read Full Ayahs)

9) Namaz Reference: ...turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque—this is the truth from your Lord... (2:149) (Read Full Ayahs)

10) Namaz Reference: wherever you come from, turn your face to the Sacred Mosque; wherever you may be, turn your faces towards it... (2:150) (Read Full Ayahs)

11) Namaz Reference: ...and stand up before God in submissive devotion. (2:238) (2:238) (Read Full Ayahs)

12) Namaz Reference: ...Pray neither in too loud a voice nor in silence, but between these two extremes. Seek a middle way (17:110) (Read Full Ayahs)

13) Namaz Reference:The topic of this Ayah is something else but it entails "Leading Prayer". (4:102) (Read Full Ayahs)

14) Namaz Reference: Seek help with prayer...(2:45) (Read Full Ayahs)


15) Namaz Reference: ...when misfortune touches him he starts lamenting and whenever Good fortune comes to him, he grows niggardly. But not so the worshippers, who are steadfast in prayer... (70:21-70:23) (Read Full Ayahs)

16) Namaz Reference: …Believers are under the obligation to say their prayers at the appointed hours. (4:103) (Read Full Ayahs)

17) Namaz Reference: people who are not distracted by trade or commerce from the Remembrance of God and the observance of prayer and the payment of the zakat... (24:37) (Read Full Ayahs)

18) Namaz Reference: ...do not approach your prayers when you are drunk, until you understand what you say... (4:43) (Read Full Ayahs)


19) Namaz Reference: and those who are steadfast in their prayers. They will be honoured in the Gardens of Bliss. (70:34) (7:35) (Read Full Ayahs)

20) Namaz Reference: Successful indeed; ... those who are humble in their prayer; ... and those who attend to their prayers; ... these are the heirs of Paradise; they shall abide in it forever. (23:1) – (23:11) (Read Full Ayahs)

21) Namaz Reference: Be ever mindful of prayers,... (2:238) (Read Full Ayahs)


22) Namaz Reference: ...in seeking the favour of their Lord... pray regularly... (13:22) (Read Full Ayahs)

23) Namaz Reference: Pray to your Lord... (108:2) (Read Full Ayahs)

24) Namaz Reference: ...My prayer... are all for God, the Lord of the worlds; (6:162) (Read Full Ayahs)


25) Namaz Reference: ...say your prayers in My remembrance. (20:14) (Read Full Ayahs)

26) Namaz Reference: ...remember God, for He has taught you what you did not know. (2:239) (Read Full Ayahs)

27) Namaz Reference: Remember your Lord deep in your very soul, in all humility and awe, without raising your voice, morning and evening... (7:205) (Read Full Ayahs)


28) Namaz Reference: Bid your people say their prayers... (20:132) (Read Full Ayahs)

29) Namaz Reference: He exhorted ... his people to prayer... (19:55) (Read Full Ayahs)

30) Namaz Reference: ... Say your prayers regularly ... Surely, this is something which requires firm resolve. (31:17) (Read Full Ayahs)

31) Namaz Reference: ...who neglected their prayers ... They will assuredly meet with destruction. (19:59) (Read Full Ayahs)

32) Namaz Reference: ...woe to those who pray but whose hearts are not in their prayer. (107:4) - (107:5) (Read Full Ayahs)

33) Namaz Reference: ...pray regularly. Surely prayer restrains one from indecency and evil ... (29:45) (Read Full Ayahs)

34) Namaz Reference: ...Those who ... attend to their prayers... shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. (2:227) (Read Full Ayahs)

35) Namaz Reference: ...'Surely, I am with you. If you attend to your prayers ... I will certainly forgive you your sins… (5:12) (Read Full Ayahs)

36) Namaz Reference: Attend to your prayers ... so that you may be shown mercy. (24:56) (Read Full Ayahs)


37) Namaz Reference: ...When the call to prayer is made on the day of congregation, hasten to the remembrance of God, and leave all worldly commerce: this is for your own good, if you but knew it. (62:9) (Read Full Ayahs)

38) Namaz Reference: When the prayer is ended, disperse in the land and seek to obtain [something] of God’s bounty… (62:10) (Read Full Ayahs)

39) Namaz Reference: (Dua & Conversation with Allah can be done during Prayer) (3:38) (3:41) (Read Full Ayahs)

40) Namaz Reference: (Congregational Prayer for Ladies) (3:43) (Read Full Ayahs)

41) Namaz Reference: ...during the night wake up and pray, as an additional prayer ... your Lord will raise you to a station of praise and glory.' (17:79) (Read Full Ayahs)


42) Namaz Reference: (Zuhar Prayer Reference) (17:78) (Read Full Ayahs)

43) Namaz Reference: (Fajar, Maghrib & Isha Prayer Reference) (11:114) (Read Full Ayahs)

44) Namaz Reference: (Asar Prayer Reference) (2:238) (Read Full Ayahs)

45) Namaz Reference: Funeral Prayer (9:84) (Read Full Ayahs)


46) Namaz Reference: When you are exposed to danger ... pray on foot or while riding ... (2:239) (Read Full Ayahs)

47) Namaz Reference: ...you will not be blamed for shortening your prayers, if you fear the disbelievers may harm you... When you feel secure, say your prayers in the prescribed form... (4:101) – (4:103) (Read Full Ayahs)

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